12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Ole talk and things that don't fit anywhere else
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12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by Luke »

For those who it may concern,

This weekend gone, Diego Martin flood waters ended my 12 years of collecting 102 Scalextric Cars.. :!:

I will make a long story short ~ after 12 yrs. it was gone (UNDER WATER) in 12 mins. :(

To give you'll an idea how high the "muddy" water was ~ it was covering the seats of my real car, parked in the garage which is about a 4 feet grade from the road outside.

To "paint" an even bigger picture, the water "dont forget muddy" also reached in my bedroom, all-around the top edge of my bed :shock:

After all of that action/drama ~ I thank the Lord no one was hurt/killed at home/neighbourhood and that he (GOD) turned off the "water" when I asked him for help :D

That's Living Life with the Faith... ent!

Last edited by Luke on Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by steveaca »

so sorry to hear about your losses. I cannot imagine the pain of losing your precious collection, not to mention all your other household items which were also destroyed or damaged. Was your car able to start after the flood ? Anyway, you are correct in being thankful that all of the losses were material items and that there were no injuries or loss of life.If there is anything you think that I might be able to help you out with, just let me know.
I'm sure you must be really very busy with clean-up operations but I feel that there must be a way to salvage or partially salvage at least some of your car collection. I have had cell phones fall into drains and been completely submerged in water and just opened them up afterwards, wash everything out with clean fresh water, wipe /shake off excess water and then spray down with WD40. Maaybe you could try a similar technique out with your most precious items. Just don't run any current through them until thoroughly dry. If you think this would be worthwhile but can't handle so many cars, I would be happy to assist.
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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by Luke »

Steve, thanks for the kind words man...

You are so right about clean-up ops and at times not sure where to start or even turn. Thinking my losses are high but see that others have lost much more too... I have gotten plenty help from friends/family and very greatful. I'm also thinking along the lines/method of the WD40/2-26 electrical repairs because did so with elec/gate.

Happy to let you know Arden, Gordon, O'Brie & you (thanks guys) have offered your slotcar help repairs. I haven't reached that part of clean-up yet but will let you know when I am there. I didn't do anything with my real car as yet (even starting) but will be seeing about it today and with the Lord's help ~ I know that I know, all will go well ;)

All in all - the clean-up is going well :)

If you look at this post time ~ I have waked-up early today and told the Lord thanks for another day in the life and that my days' labour is for him :D

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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by Digital »

Hello Luke. Sorry to learn of your situation. This line is to let you know that my prayers are with you and yours at this time and if I could be of any assistance please let me know. God bless.
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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by Luke »

Hey (Digital) Neverson,

Thanks for the support and these are also the times to be greatful for our daily tender mercies :)

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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by Luke »

The 2+ feet of floodwaters I experienced in my entire home 2+ weeks ago was not a good thing at all...

Especially when I saw the water coming into my bedroom... I said the aftermath reminded me of hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans (Aug., 29th. 2005) and now (exactly 7 years later) maybe ~ Hurricane Isaac August, 2012.

If I was living there ~ I not waiting on any Evacuation Bulletin ~ I OUT of there TODAY! Floodwaters sounds bad enough living in a valley but below sea level :shock:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:New_O ... ations.jpg

I pray to the Lord for those people, it doesn't be so bad again :!:

BTW ~ I have only worked/clean up (two "man" hours) one of my my cars (Escort - HS class) so far and hope to get back racing soon because the rest of them may "lock-up" with mud.

ATM ~ I really dont have that joy fixing them anymore :(
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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by steveaca »

Luke, you on the forum late boy. Glad that your HS car is ready to race. Let me know when you'll be dropping off some other cars for me to assist with. If that is a problem, give me a call and I'll come and collect.
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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by Luke »


Sorry I haven't gotten back to you with the help you offered to clean up some of my flooded/muddy "rally" looking slot cars... F1's and all :(

Life as I knew it 3 weeks ago - is totally different atm for me and the rest of the family and sorting out some more important things first.

As soon as I get the time to take up this daunting and tedious task with the courage and enthusiasm to work on 90+ Cars, 200+ Scalextric "Classic & Sport" track pieces, Borders etc that has been all dried off from muddy floodwaters - I will be giving you a call.

Thanks for the support,

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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by gordon »


It's a big job but not insurmountable and you have us all to help. Look at the bright side... Both the cars and the track will get a proper bit of maintenance and ultimately probably work better. Also, if you're like me, you'll probably come up with some good ideas as you work on them.

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Re: 12 Years ~ 2000/2012...

Post by steveaca »

maybe you could bring a few of the cars needing repairs to FRC tomorrow.
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