Scalextric Sport items available ?

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Posts: 1568
Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:12 pm

Scalextric Sport items available ?

Post by steveaca »

Does anyone have the following Scalextric Sport items available for sale ?
-Standard hand controller (current type, with one plug into the powerbase)
-Standard 'wall wart' transformer (current type, with one plug into the powerbase).
If so, please advise price.
Posts: 2238
Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:54 pm

Re: Scalextric Sport items available ?

Post by Luke »

Hey Steve,

Looking like you just need these Scalextric Sport items:
  • 02 C8229/30 Sport Hand Throttle (1x1) Controllers
    01 996 Wall Mount Transformer
I could provide them ...

Give me a call if interested 8-)

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