Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by steveaca »

Hi Gordon,
too bad we didn't have our first Concours judging (or at least a dry run) last night. I really like the idea of judging the cars and rewarding drivers for well turned-out cars but I think that the points awarded should go towards the champion driver of the night tally and not towards the individual class results. I feel that the racing points should be just that, ie. for racing.
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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by gordon »

Good point Steve. I agree. Of course I now have to do some more complex database work!

During the event last night I was pondering the practicality of doing the Cd'E at regular events. We always seem to be strapped for time. Maybe we should keep the Cd'E competitions just for special events and also, maybe we should aim to have perhaps quarterly special events. By "special event" I'm referring to events like our endurance races and other types of special events which can be held on a non-workday, starting earlier than our regular events.

Another thing I'd like to try again is single-car qualifying. This should not take too much longer than our regular 2 minute qualifying:

Each car runs 4 laps @ an average of 6 sec per lap = 24 sec per car (lets round that to 30 sec)
6 cars @ 30 sec = 180 sec = 3 minutes

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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by PEdghill »


Outstanding, this is my kind of competition, “build a neat and tidy good looking car and get points for workmanship and presentation”. I like the idea.

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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by BULL'S EYE »

Sounds lovely..............but count me out................I cyah even get a car to race far less to look good.

We do that with RC planes but with Aircraft all the builder has to do is fly the plane, do some specific maneuvers and land without damage....inspection is done pre-flight Static....on flight Static.

And some of these RC aircraft cos $80,000-$100,000 US$ and are mostly Warbirds........including Jets....and to scale......accurate to mm.

I will e-mail some personal photos Natty and i took in Florida at a flying field we go to.

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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by gordon »


I've re-thought this topic a bit and would like to propose a simpler version for the Concours d'Elegance which I think can work. How about this:

Before the start of the first race for each class raced at an event (excluding our IROC classes of course), the drivers vote for the car they view as the best looking and best presented car in the class. Drivers cannot vote for their own car. The car receiving the most votes will win the Concours d'Elegance for that class and its driver will receive one point towards the class championship for the event. We can roll a dice to break any ties.

This should encourage everyone to take an interest in the realism aspect of our hobby (I've already taken care of the realism of the track).

Lets hear your thoughts below.

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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by steveaca »

Hi Gordon,
I'm all for the introduction of the Concours. There are two points that I'd consider changing though. These are as follows:
1) I feel that the point for winning the Concours in a particular class should go towards the driver's overall points for the night but not the class points. I think that all points for individual classes should be derived from strictly racing activities. Pole position point, for example , is fine.
2) I think that drivers should not be barred from voting for their own car as if someone honestly thinks that his car is the best, he should not then be forced to vote for, in his opinion, the second best. I'm sure that our guys would be honest enough to vote for someone else's car if it was deemed to be 'nicer' than his own.
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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by gordon »

Steve, I see no problem giving a driver one point for the class as well as overall champion for taking the extra effort to make his car more attractive and realistic. I feel that it will encourage just what we want to accomplish by the Concours d'Elegance.

On your second point, I'm suggesting that people will be more objective and it will be fairer if drivers judge just their competitors' cars. If your car is clearly better in this contest, others will vote for it. Once we allow voting for our own car, it throws out the impartiality and this is not a good thing.
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Re: Introduction of a Concours d’Elegance at FRC events

Post by Luke »

GG - You just reminded me of the movie Captain Phillips. You thinking like a true captain/leader. Steve only playing "smartman" you know he's only going and vote for his cars right - that thought of his, is like saying PNM (leader/s) will vote for the PP or ILP :lol:

My Cd'E suggestion with your apple magic skills :) have it as a separate entity altogether on the Race Reports... Example:

Cd'E/Winner: Steve - Class/MP

Next R/Report: Cd'E/Winners: Arden - Class/HS ~ Gordon - Class/VS ~ Ramesh - Class/G5SC

So on & so on... I am sure you got the picture here and by year's end (or whatever period) with this tally, you have an overall winner for each class.

Yes, you may have lots to do/read on reports but the Overall Class Points Update is done as a here link anyway, so have some extra space there...

How this sounds?

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