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Post by arden100 »


I have missed a lot.
Hello guys,

How are you all? I see you are all well and energized. The lockdown have given you all real time to do some home work. Sorry I can’t say the same for me.

As for this topic I think Gordon you did a good thing in omitting one of those classes, however I believe a track of 64mm will be better for all. Remember you want a little better handling otherwise the race can get really long if I am around.

Any non magnetic class chassis should be free.

Ramesh I understand your logic and I believe I takes a lot more skill the get non magnetic cars to handle on a plastic track. You are the exception. I guess we are not up to your challenge. At least not as yet.
Gordon I think this is the year to get the rules cast in stone for two years. Ramesh has gotten the ball rolling let’s look at all the classes and confirm all changes while the iron is hot.

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Post by RameshB »

Hi guys long time I did not see anything from Arden ,its good to hear your thoughts. Let's look at Clubman Kitbash combined . Two things I am suggesting , the year should go to 1975, and track limit 64mm. 18t motor in line, SW ok . If we are running non mag in historic and Pony then the chassis must be free to have some type of racing handling on plastic. If not, then leaving it as is with mag and hard chassis is best. Thanks.
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Post by gordon »

Guys, the idea for what we're now calling Clubman came from my wanting to race cars which really have no chance to successfully compete against the existing cars we race.

This started with my Cortina and included my little BMC Mini. I then pulled out the Shelby Mustang GT350 and added it, sticking to the informal rules I had written, the key one being to limit the track of the cars so that these three and others could race with some form of competitiveness. This is why when I proposed combining it with Kitbash, I stuck to the 55mm maximum track, even though Kitbash was at 64mm. The requirement of adding ballast to the winning car was another important part of the concept for the class and was done in order to keep the racing close.

I initially used an 18,000 RPM motor limit since almost all standard cars come with this, however I've since suggested that we can keep the Kitbash RPM of 14,000 if everyone prefers this (I'll have to get a different motor for the Mini which has a 18,000 FF motor).

For these reasons I will not change the track requirement and if necessary will just race these cars informally at times when the track is open and there's time for them. This can include times set out specifically for racing them alone.
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Post by steveaca »

As far as Kitbash and Clubman go, I believe that they are two entirely different classes and cannot be merged. Kitbash started off actually being called Scratch-built and at one point although the rules allowed kitbashed cars, it was felt by O'Brie that this class really should be for only true scratchbuilt cars and that even kitbashed cars would not be allowed . This was amended however, as some of the guys, Gordon and myself included, had already prepared cars (TR4 and Escort respectively) which would be considered as kitbashed. We agreed that this would be a temporary measure and that from the start of the next racing season this class would be for true scratchbuilt cars. What happened eventually is quite the opposite as instead of going in this direction, cars with 3D printed chassis made their appearance and totally ruled the roost. This has basically continued to this day. Despite this, I have soldiered on with my kitbash Escort, my scratchbuilt Skyline and, at the last event, introduced my kitbash Mustang GT 350.
When the idea for the Clubman class came up I thought that, as Gordon originally said, it would be a nice way of putting some of our older, currently non-competitive cars to use in a class of their own. The rules did not stipulate chassis type meaning that this aspect of the cars would be free. The 18k rpm limit meant that many cars would potentially be able to use their standard motors. The 55mm track width was deliberately set to eliminate the handling benefits of super wide cars. The period of cars was, I believe, to maintain the sort of vintage feel of cars for this class. Gordon even mentioned cars he thought would be representative of the ere, such as Cortinas, Escorts, Minis, MGs and so on.
During the current Covid lockdown period, as I previously mentioned both on this forum and on the WhatsApp group, I have been doing a lot of tweaking and in some cases a bit more than tweaking of my cars for when we start back racing. Cars so treated include my three current kitbash cars as well as three entrants for the Clubman class. These cars have ALL been built to the current kitbash and what I believed to be finalized Clubman rules. To change anything in the rules for either one of these classes would mean my work would have been in vain.
Having said that I feel that the classes for the Kitbash and Clubman classes are entirely different, I think that we could give consideration to actually running the cars together in a single race but as separate classes, much like originally did for the Vintage Sport 60-75 class , before we separated it into GT and Prototype sub-classes.
Concerning non-mag racing for Historic Saloon and American Ponycar, as said previously, I would be open to the idea but don't see the need to allow 3D printed chassis if we go this way. If the choice were between no-mag/3D printed chassis or limited magnet/original chassis, I'd go with the magnet option.
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Post by RameshB »

Hi guys it's always best to hear some of the reasons we say things, I agree with Steve let's leave things as they are and develop incrementally ,you have done a lot of work and I would love to see some of it. I did not know however that we weren't suppose to use a 3d chassis in kitbash at first. But send me some more info on clubman and we can always have some fun racing and building. Sorry for dampening your hard work there. Thanks.
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Post by gordon »

Ram, you can see the proposed Clubman rules here:


After I made the post, Steve coined the name "Clubman" which we've since adopted.
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Post by gordon »

Don’t know how many of you have seen this post that I made in the tuning section of the forum, but since it has some relevance to this topic, here’s a direct link to it:

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