Welcome to the FRC Marketplace

Have stuff to sell or give away? Looking for something you need? This is where you can let others know.
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Welcome to the FRC Marketplace

Post by gordon »

Hi Guys,

I thought that we should have a place specifically for those of us who, from time to time, have items to sell, trade or simply give away. So, welcome to the FRC Marketplace.

Posts: 1568
Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:12 pm

Re: Welcome to the FRC Marketplace

Post by steveaca »

Great idea Gordon.
Posts: 599
Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:30 pm

Re: Welcome to the FRC Marketplace

Post by RameshB »

I do agree it can add some interest and help out someone to get some cars running.
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