My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

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My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

Post by gordon »


While Luke and I were in South at Arden's home for Eid, Arden offered to show me the TSCC 6-lane track in Marabella as I had never seen it. I didn't need a second invitation, so we took off to check it out for "15 minutes" (which eventually turned into about 1 hour!). Well it was great to finally see what I must describe as a slot car "speedway". Compared with FRC's narrow, winding road circuit, the TSCC track is a wide (6 lanes), long and extremely fast speedway. Both luke and I tried out a couple of cars and I have to say that, despite its appearance, it is very challenging to go fast.

The first thing that struck me was how long I had to keep the throttle open to traverse the main straight before backing off. Significantly more than at FRC. The next shocker was the amount braking that the cars achieve, which made me have to adjust my driving by keeping the throttle open for even longer!! Both of us drove on the two extreme lanes (1 and 6), so there was a definite difference at each end of the big figure-of-eight where at one end the turn was a tight 180º, at the other a very fast and wide 180º. Add to this the two slight kinks, one entering the other exiting the overpass, plus the slight downhill slope coming off the second kink and the speedway becomes even harder to master.

TSCC Marabella Speedway. That's one long straight.

This gives an idea of how wide the track is. It also shows the variation in radii of the different lanes. I discovered how effective the chequered padding is!

Back in the '60s when F1 drivers took part in many other types of motor sport, my all-time hero Jim Clark became the first "foreigner" to win the Indy 500. Jimmy was a true driver who was challenged by any type of car competition and he saw the fast, wide American speedways as another thing to conquer. I liken the TSCC Marabella Speedway to the American speedways just as I compare FRC with the famous European road circuits like Spa. Like Jimmy was with real cars, I am challenged by the idea of getting a slot car to go as close to (or under) the class lap record at TSCC, so I know I'll be back. How about you?

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Re: My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

Post by steveaca »

I'd like to go back as well. When the 'town boys' goin' ?
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Re: My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

Post by Luke »

Yes :!:

Thanks again to Arden & hope he noticed what I was telling him to do all the time with pics of the TSCC (south boy's) track on the FRC's forum. See how great it looking & how it had to take a "north boy" to go down south & get it done! ent. hehehehe

Anyway - That visit to TSCC by FRC's racers Gordon & me :D was an exciting and pleasant one, plus (to come & read now) this very detailed account/visit written by Gordon himself. There was no way I could have written about this visit any better. Great Job GG...

Must let you know though - your description/points of racing on this type track "is spot on" & was exactly the opposite reaction for me racing at FRC for the very first time... :)

Here's why ~ When I had my personal "Grand Scalextric Competition" track it was the same figure 8 shape (but a RMS 4-lane 42' TRL Circuit) that my family, friends & I raced on, for 7-8 years on Saturday evenings ... So after racing all those years on it, remembered those great racing points you made is the exact way to race on this type/style circuit - hence the reason why my first racing experience @ FRC was more or less the opposite to yours @ TSCC.

BTW - To give an idea of lenght on the main straight away in photo - my circuit straight away was 13 "full straight" tracks in lenght and I think the TSCC is about 14...

I'm I right South Boys :?:

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Re: My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

Post by RameshB »

Thanks gorden i appreciate your comments , we will send more picks to frc later . we see slot car racing has gain some more momentum.with views on the forum it will go a long way thanks frc. bye ramesh
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Re: My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

Post by Luke »


Ramesh (678:1920) would like to know early all who's coming TSCC this Sunday (25th. Aug.'13) so he can have a large pot of paleau ready for us...

Just for the record ~ David"boo" and myself are plannig on going :)

Here's their website...

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Re: My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

Post by RameshB »

H i Luke we will have the paleau on thur night to add to the flavor of the evening Boo said he will organise some cole slaw . bye ram.
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Re: My visit to TSCC's Marabella Speedway

Post by Luke »

Sorry about the mix up Ramesh ~ That paleau/cole slaw mix (FRC/Thursday) sounding real great & I will do some french fries to go with okay,which is making me feel very hungry atm :)

See you this evening @ TSCC and will have Bethany with me too, for the kids racing you talked about.

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