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FRC novice races - special IROC races at every FRC event

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:26 pm
by gordon

Starting from our next event, in the interest of introducing new drivers to FRC and the fun of digital racing, we will be having three IROC races at each event for drivers who have driven at fewer than ten FRC events ("novice" drivers). Once we have at least two novices attending an event, three races will be run using FRC's IROC cars. The cars will be rotated at each event, so for example at one event novices will drive the Minis, the next event the Ferraris, next event the Porsches, etc. On the occasions when an IROC class is scheduled for everyone, we will run a different group of IROC cars for the novices present.

So spread the word and come along to FRC with a friend or two to FRC's upcoming events and you'll be guaranteed three races against other novice drivers! Its a great way to learn about the hobby of modern slot car racing without having to race against experienced drivers and you don't have to even bring your own car.


Re: FRC novice races - special IROC races at every FRC event

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:01 pm
by steveaca
Gordon I think that this is a fantastic idea.