Its about time we start looking at a second endurance event. When we had the first one way back in December 2009 (yes, its been that long), everyone who attended agreed that we should do it at least annually, so its been over a year and a half and about time. So, since it requires at least 12 drivers, I'm looking for some feedback. Here are my immediate thoughts:
It should be on a Saturday or other day when there's no work the following day. We should also look at starting practicing anywhere around 4PM.
I propose we run the typical endurance classes, GT and LMP.
I very much like the idea and also think that having it on a Saturday would increase participation. Having (cooking ? ) food sounds great but this would certainly have to be a joint effort. I would be happy to co-drive a car as I don't own any in the GT or LMP classes. With regard to the childrens' race aspect, I know Jonathan would love to be involved but he will be abroad until 1st September.
What about running the GT class to our Restricted GT regulations and the LMP to our Slot.It Challenge regulations, with one change - allow up to 25,000 RPM motors in LMP? After last night's experience with GT and particularly LMP cars being badly affected by power and reliability issues, I can't imagine it being a great experience running them in 30 minute races.