FRC 13 Classes & RPMs into 2024

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FRC 13 Classes & RPMs into 2024

Post by Luke »

Hello Gordon,

Here's some of my thoughts heading into 2024 :D

Concering the line-up of FRC's 13 Official Classes:
  • 01. HS
    02. APC
    03. VSGT
    04. VSP
    05. KB
    06. CM
    07. RC *
    08. BTCC
    09. SC
    10. MP
    11. GT
    12. LMP
    13. F1
Must say, over the years ... list of classes looks very interesting & was going through the Class Groupings ... how its presently listed in the regulations:
  • Group A. CM, HS, APC, VSGT & VSP
    Group B. KB, RC, BTCC & SC
    Group C. MP, RGT, RLMP & F1
At the same time ...

Seeing how events / classes were hosted (after the Pandemic) & since the start of 2021 & especially in more recent times:
  • No. 1 ... BTCC, GT & LMP
    No. 2 ... CM, SC & F1
    No. 3 ... HS, APC & MP
    No. 4 ... KB, VSGT & VSP
Note: Even though the RC * class wasn't included probably for some suitable reason ...

All in all ... the 4 groups (1, 2, 3 & 4) with 3 classes each, looks ideal and well balanced for persons to obtain, setup & tune models of their choice to compete at racing events 8-)

That all said, do you think the Forum Regs. with Class Groupings A, B & C ... should now be updated to A, B, C & D groups :?:

Here's Motor Ratings ~ Ranging from Low to High ... with the 13 FRC Classes ...
  • RMP / Class:
    14.7K / KB
    18K / HS
    18K / VSGT
    18K / CM
    18K / BTCC
    18K / F1

    21.5K / APC
    21.5K / SC
    21.5K / MP
    21.5K / RC *

    22.5K / VSPT
    23.5K / GT

    26K / LMP
Post No.2210

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