As planned, O'Brie and Steve joined me yesterday around 2pm to deal with equalizing the power on all lanes and points on the track. We had come up with a plan to break the track into six sections which we would solder together using braid on the underside track joints (as you know, some smaller sections already have this done), then join these six pieces together using cables under the table which could be disconnected to remove the sections for future maintenance.
Well, despite working till after 7pm, we only managed to do two of the six sections - without connecting the under-table wires - so we'll have some more work sessions before it's all completed. The good news so far is that before starting, the outer lane showed significantly higher electrical resistance than the inner lane. After doing the under-track soldering, and despite not completing the whole track or even joining the the two sections done under the table, this difference came down by a reasonable amount when we measured it again before packing up. Seems like we're on the right track to eventually get full power everywhere. Here are some pics.
Track work at FRC yesterday
Re: Track work at FRC yesterday
Thanks guys we appreciate your time and efforts on making the track better. See you soon.
Re: Track work at FRC yesterday
Sorry I wasn’t around to help make the workload lighter.
However, it’s a Great Upgrade (to the track) followed up with some High Maintenance work ..!
A Brainy Quote: Working hard for something we don’t care about is called Stress. Working hard for something we love is called Passion
However, it’s a Great Upgrade (to the track) followed up with some High Maintenance work ..!
A Brainy Quote: Working hard for something we don’t care about is called Stress. Working hard for something we love is called Passion