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RACE REPORT #303 - Dec 3rd 2022 (VSGTnm, VSPRnm, KBnm, APCnm)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:39 pm
by gordon
RACE REPORT #303 - Dec 3rd 2022 (VSGTnm, VSPRnm, KBnm, APCnm)

We had a small turnout for our final 2022 event, with just Steve, O'Brie and Keith joining me for our scheduled classes, Vintage Sports GT, Vintage Sports Prototype, Kitbash and American Pony car. Since we never got the Vintage Sports classes run to complete last events schedule, I thought we'd take up where we left off, so we did these two classes from Class Group A, followed by the first two classes of Class Group B.

There was quite a bit of car practice and testing done before starting our first qualifying session at about 4:15pm. We ended up running four three-minute quali sessions and five twenty lap races, two of the latter in the case of Vintage Sports GT. Everyone had the usual good time both driving and liming, despite the ID-setting device apparently giving up the ghost (all the lights were just flashing), necessitating pulling out the old powerbase and power supply to set IDs. The other issue was that, despite turning off dynamic braking in the new SSDC race management software, all the cars were getting dynamic brakes, making driving them a very jerky affair. There were also a few occasions when the software unexpectedly turned brakes off for the odd car, ending in an inevitable de-slot.

I'll be looking into these two issues, the first probably requiring getting a new ID-setting device from Sweden, the second hopefully by updating the C7042 Powerbase firmware. Lastly, there's definitely been a reduction in interest in slot car racing in the north (at FRC anyway), so I'll do a separate poll to try to get feedback from past regular attendees to see whether there are changes I can make to attract them back. Maybe we can also invite friends and family who might find the hobby interesting and challenging like we do.


The results


Vintage Sports GT

Computer qualifying results:


Vintage Sports GT race 1 grid: My Cobra, Steve's Porsche, Keith driving another of Steve's Porsches and O'Brie's 250 GTO:



Computer race 1 results:



Vintage Sports GT race 2 grid: My Cobra Daytona, Steve's Porsche 911, O'Brie's E-Type Jaguar and Keith driving another of Steve's Porsche 911s:



Computer race 2 results:




Vintage Sports Prototype

Computer qualifying results (Keith's fastest lap of 0.871 was not a valid time):


Vintage Sports Prototype grid: My Ferrari 330 P4, O'Brie's Ford GT MkIV, Keith driving Steve's Ford GT40 and Steve's Alfa 33/3:



Computer race results:





Computer qualifying results:


Kitbash grid: Steve's Mustang GT350, O'Brie's Peugeot 205, Keith driving Steve's Ford Sierra and my NSU TT:



Computer race results:




American Pony Car

Computer qualifying results:


American Pony Car grid: My Dodge Challenger, Steve's Mustang Notchback, O'Brie's Camaro and Keith driving Steve's Javelin:



Computer race results:





(How this is computed:

Congratulations to the winners.

Next event's classes: To be announced.

Don't forget to see the updated overall fastest times and the fastest no-magnet times by driver and class to know what the benchmarks are for your cars. Older stats can be found in the Archive area of the forum.

See you on the circuit...

Re: RACE REPORT #303 - Dec 3rd 2022 (VSGTnm, VSPRnm, KBnm, APCnm)

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:05 pm
by steveaca
Great afternoon/evening as usual at FRC despite the smallish driver turnout. I was glad that we got to run the races that weren't done at the last event, especially as we got to see O'brie's lovely E-Type in action ! The races were great fun but the driving experience was diminished a little by the jerky nature of the brake setting on the power base. We were still able to run all the planned classes with even a second race in one of them. Although not in any way disagreeing with the race results (I endorse them 100%)I'm a little puzzled by some of the numbers shown on the computer with regard to times. Hopefully at the next event I'll be a bit more up to speed (figuratively and literally) here.
Congrats to Gordon on the joint first place for the meet.
Looking forward to the next event !

Re: RACE REPORT #303 - Dec 3rd 2022 (VSGTnm, VSPRnm, KBnm, APCnm)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 4:00 am
by Luke
WOW :!:

Lovely pics ... and you guys sure have GR8 looking & super-tuned (classic) Slot-Cars 8-)

However, have to (from WhatsApp) beg-pardon again Gordon ...

How I missed out on your FRC's end-of-year event & other than the known (through the year) & unwanted issues:

With some things not operating the way it supposed to in 2022 ...

:arrow: Track Electricals, Lane-Changers, Power-Base & ID-setting Device ...

Racing days was still very successful with 09 Months of 10 Events & 13 Classes Raced:
  • 10. Dec ...... RD303 ... APC, VSGT & VSPR
    09. Nov ...... RD302 ... CM & HS
    08. Sep ...... RD301 ... MP, GT, LMP & F1
    07. Aug ...... RD300 ... KB, APC, BTCC, SC / Present
    06. July ..... RD299 ... CM, HS, KB, VSGT & VSPR
    05. June .... RD298 ... SC, LMP, F1 & FCIROC / Present
    04. May ..... RD297 ... GT & FCIROC / Present
    03. April .... RD296 ... BTCC, APC, MP & GT
    02. April .... RD295 ... KB, CM & VSGT
    01. Jan ..... RD294 ... GT
I did attend 3 events (shown above) including the Grand 300th. Number / August 2022 Racing Day ... & always remembered the ~ Number One - April 2009 Racing Day :)

Plus, at the time ... it was only one (exciting) racing class done & dubbed ~ Formula Libre ...

To understand how THRILLING ... (yes) with 10 Races of 30 Laps ... here's a link to Race Report 1: ... ort_1.html

Back then, it was so Action-Packed ...

No one could have guessed it will reach 10+ years & 20+ classes and all because of your handling & direction.

Yes, you got support from many persons but it all comes down to the leader, which you have done very well.

I will end off here with & have to mention to have A Great Racing Year in 2023 :!:


Post No.2185

Re: RACE REPORT #303 - Dec 3rd 2022 (VSGTnm, VSPRnm, KBnm, APCnm)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:15 am
by Luke
gordon wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:39 pm ... there's definitely been a reduction in interest in slot car racing in the north (at FRC anyway), so I'll do a separate poll to try to get feedback from past regular attendees to see whether there are changes I can make to attract them back. Maybe we can also invite friends and family who might find the hobby interesting and challenging like we do.
The truth is Gordon ... all of the above has been done before & yuh dun know I don't mean to be negative here - other than simply giving my feedback onetime :)

You plus others (through the years) have done all that could be possibly cooked up for more racing drivers :D

There's only so much one (or many) can do and like a bag of tricks ... there's only so much it can hold.

Personally & since 2009 ... lots have taken place (Pandemic and all) to this 2022 year ... ent :P ... f=7&t=1474

No doubt ...

Life today has gotten more/very complex than before and faithfully, there's so many other things to do at the tip of one's finger ;)

So, my suggestion ... leave well alone or in other words:

Doh beat up getting feedback about slot-car / hobby interest but instead relax & see where the activities will go in 2023 8-)


Post No.2186

Re: RACE REPORT #303 - Dec 3rd 2022 (VSGTnm, VSPRnm, KBnm, APCnm)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:10 am
by gordon
Luke, I think you hit the nail on the head here, especially with your final line. You're right. Thanks!