Yesterday's racing turned into test session.

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Yesterday's racing turned into test session.

Post by gordon »

Seems that as soon as one track problem is solved, another new one surfaces. For some still unknown reason, as soon as we powered up the track, the inner lane registered as car 2 on the PowerBase no matter what each car was actually set to (1 to 6). The outer lane worked correctly. Some time after, it changed to always register as 1. This meant that we could not have any racing with laps counted and times registered correctly, so we just tested and drove cars, mostly in groups of five or six cars, having a lot of fun doing so. It's amazing how close in lap times some groups of cars within the same class now are.

We now have two modified PowerBases not working. O'Brie suggested we use his identically-modified one for the immediate future while we send both malfunctioning ones to the UK for repair. If this doesn't work out for one reason or other, it'll be time to go to what was my Plan B since all the problems started - purchase a new-model PowerBase, which itself will present a few new challenges. It will require a new and different "RichG" cable from the PowerBase to the computer. It also cannot be connected to our high-amperage adjustable Power Supply. But we won't have to cross that bridge until we come to it. Fingers crossed!

Here are a few pics, courtesy Luke:






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Re: Yesterday's racing turned into test session.

Post by steveaca »

No racing done but lots of fun still was had.
Looking forward to the next event where we'll get to actually race these fun cars.
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