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Race Night Schedules - NO LONGER APPLICABLE (2023/1/01)

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 10:36 am
by gordon
Following are the current race night schedules for each class grouping for everyone's easy reference. We can make adjustments if necessary as we go forward.




Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 10:49 am
by steveaca
Looks good to me.

Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 12:06 pm
by RameshB
Thanks for your reminder and the schedule looks good. See you soon.

Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:53 pm
by steveaca
Looking good.

Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 8:19 pm
by gordon
Looking at the fastest lap times, in addition to adding the BTCC class to Class Grouping B, maybe we should move F1 from group B to group C. This will reduce the overall time for group B and would only add a little time to group C, the shortest group time-wise.

What do you guys think?

Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 7:00 am
by Luke
Hello Gordon,

Here’s an early morning suggestion concerning BTCC racing class even though you’ve (somewhat) put a schedule in place 8-)

FRC’s upcoming event RD275 - 08:8:19 (Scratch Built ~ HS, APC & VS6075) and about 3 months ago ...

The Scratch Built class RD269 - 25:4:19 was first raced, basically 6 events gone.

Why not leave the regular 3 class-groupings as is where is and ‘mix and match’ BTCC with Scratch Built racing events ..?

  • Group A: Scratch Built / BTCC ~ HS, APC & VS6075

    Group B: Scratch Built / BTCC ~ RC, SC & F1

    Group C: Scratch Built / BTCC ~ MP, RGT & RLMP

Isn’t BTCC looking like an easier introduction with the Scratch Built class :D


Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 9:08 am
by gordon
Luke, that's a reasonable optional suggestion. I'd like to hear what the other guys think.

Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 9:34 am
by RameshB
Hi I am not in favor of Rotation, let's build and race in order to develop both classes they are introductory classes especially for new people the setup is so simple that anyone can afford. With the new thrust of having longer single races we have given room for this advancement.

Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:39 pm
by steveaca
Luke's idea is certainly worth considering. Personally I'd like to stick with the Scratch Built class as a regular addition to all our race nights (as is the case currently). The Scratch Built Class cars have a lot more development involved than the fairly stock BTCC Class and I suspect that the guys that have put time into developing them would like to race them as often as possible . If however, this fairly simple BTCC Class could encourage new racers to get involved, or even get past racers to come back to racing at FRC, Then I'd go for Luke's idea.

Re: Race Night Schedules

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 9:55 pm
by Luke
Hello Gordon,

After RD276 and hosting the BTCC class for the first time ... Hindsight would have it - the regular Scratch Built class wasn’t raced.

However, as intense as the entire event was - you keeping on top of everything. An excellent job done :!:

Nonetheless, while most of us where standing near the Power Base / Controllers ...

You put down the clipboard suddenly and walked passed me, saying to yourself ... ”I need some sort of refreshment from the cooler.”

At the same time - there were other persons being very supportive helping to get things going.

That all said and getting to the point. I would like to suggest (again) a simple idea below with your racing schedule.
  • Group A: Scratch Built ~ HS, APC & VS6075

    Group B: BTCC ~ RC, SC & F1

    Group C: Scratch Built ~ MP, RGT & RLMP
Overall, it could be (like previous class-groupings) an easier routine even though you have officially done otherwise ..?

A simple point to consider :-)
