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Race report #62 - Tuesday 4th January, 2011

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:05 pm
by gordon
Hi Guys,

What a night! For the first time in a long while we had a fairly large turnout of drivers, twelve to be precise. In addition we had a few non-racing attendees as well as some kids present.

I had been contacted via e-mail by Ray, an avid SSD enthusiast from Florida who was in Trinidad for the Christmas holidays. He found out about FRC while searching SlotForum for information about INOX MX3 and we arranged to bring forward the event from Thursday to Tuesday so that he could attend, since he was departing on Thursday. He brought along his wife and 8-year old daughter who joined my 8-year old daughter and the other kids present for an evening of fun (although not nearly as much as we adult slot racers had!). To top off the "international" flavour of the night, Peter was present, also being on vacation from his work in Nigeria.

Because of the large turnout, we ran A and B groups for all three classes scheduled. We also decided to utilise the extra hands present as marshals instead of doing the usual self-marshalling "table laps". As can be expected, the night ran late, the last attendees leaving at just about 1:00 AM after helping clean up. Everyone agreed that it was one of the best events we've had in a long time.















Congratulations to the winners and a special thanks to our overseas guests for making the effort to attend. It was great having them.

Next event's classes: Despite not yet having so much as turned a wheel on the track, all the Porsche Cup cars are ready to go. Because of time constraints, we were unable to run them at this event, so I'm toying with the idea of having a Porsche Cup night where we run many races with just these cars. Chime in below and let everyone know your thoughts.

I'll let everyone know the date of the next event in due course.

See you on the circuit...

Re: Race report #62 - Tuesday 4th January, 2011

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:18 pm
I am game...

Re: Race report #62 - Tuesday 4th January, 2011

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:35 pm
by Laird
I'm open to the idea.

Re: Race report #62 - Tuesday 4th January, 2011

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:49 pm
by Luke

Glad to know the 6 Porsche Cup cars are ready to go ...

I'm so good 2 go plus registration fee and all :lol:
