Sorry for the late response.
You all know my throttle response.
Racing in order of preference.
This was not an easy decision.
Looking at some of the responses I wonder why we ever did away with the FRC classes if we want closer racing. Racing to me means competition. Competition with rules and regulations which are adhered to. Once the rules and regulations are enforced it is a fair playing field. When we want closer racing we need to spend more time on our hobby. Limiting ourselves and others and it is of no value to anyone who likes competition.
If you feel as if you are not winning you have the wrong concept about racing. There will always be someone who is better based on a number of reasons
Time spent on tuning
Time spent on reading and engineering
Money spent
Time spent driving
You measure your win/performance based on your improvement not on your racing position. Once you are getting faster you will get there. That is once the rules stay constant. There is only so much you can do once you have rules and regs. If you keep moving the goalpost you will always be behind. As we get better, rule change, back to school guys. It just does not make sense. How will we get closer racing.
Rally rule change 1 person faster everyone else slower.
The longer the rule stays in effect closer racing. Rule change regress.
I prefer 1 race since we finish racing early. We get down south late and we also have work the next morning. The crime is also another factor getting home at 1.00am.