Marshalling Rules (for marshals AND drivers)

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Marshalling Rules (for marshals AND drivers)

Post by gordon »

Marshals' Responsibilities
  1. Marshals should look only at their corner and the surrounding area of the track during the race.
  2. Hands should be ready and no playing with your phones, possessions or anything else. Absolutely no drinks!
  3. First priority when marshalling is to remove de-slotted cars from the path of oncoming cars. Remember that other cars in the slot have the right-of-way so always check that no cars are approaching before re-slotting cars. If you have cars in both hands, remember to re-slot them in the correct sequence - frontmost car first.
  4. Scenario 1 - When a single car de-slots, if it can be re-slotted without obstructing oncoming cars, do so. Otherwise, pick up the de-slotted car, allow blocked and approaching cars to get past without hitting the car, then place the car back on the track.
  5. Scenario 2 - In the case of a multi-car pile-up, cars should be re-slotted from the front to the back.
  6. Scenario 3 - If car B is knocked off in the process of marshalling car ‘A’, put the 'innocent' car ‘B’ on first.
  7. Scenario 4 - If car ‘A’ nerfs or drives through car ‘B’ and both fall off, put the 'innocent' car ‘B’ on first. In the case of a drive-through, call for car ‘A’ to do a stop-and-go penalty.
Drivers Responsibilities
  1. If your car de-slots and stops on the track, immediately shout out ‘TRACK AT (the track section name)’. This will alert other drivers and avoid cars being smashed and broken.
  2. If another car has fallen off blocking your lane, stop and wait for the obstruction to be cleared. Do not continue and smash the car out of the way, as this can damage both cars.
  3. Do not shout at or criticise the marshalls. Shouting at a marshal will make him more nervous and more likley to take longer to do his job. (If the marshall has fallen asleep, by all means shout at him.)
  4. Don’t keep the throttle on full power when being marshalled. When the car gets put back in the slot, it will either instantly de-slot or catch the marshall's hand and come out again. You’ll lose more time being impatient.
  5. If you hate marshals so much just try to keep your car on the track and be aware of car incidents around you.