How to successfully register on the FRC forum

The original FRC website which includes info on the beginnings of FRC and early race reports (up to report #40).
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How to successfully register on the FRC forum

Post by gordon »

Why register? As a registered user you can create new topics and post to existing ones. Let yourself be heard! As an added bonus, new topics and topics with updated comments and information will be displayed in red, making it easy to stay current with all things FRC. Now here are the details:

Hundreds of registration attempts take place on the FRC forum weekly. Most of these are either by netbots or by people attempting to use the forum for advertising and other personal reasons not in any way related to slot car racing. As a result, all registrations are deleted unless the following steps are completed.

Steps to successfully register:
  1. Click the "Register" link at the top of any page on the FRC forum and follow through to the end. You will receive an auto-response email but you're not finished. You MUST do step 2 below otherwise your registration will be deleted.
  2. Send an email to with the subject "FRC registration". If you don't put "FRC" in the subject, chances are your message will be deleted with the other 1,000+ junk emails I receive every day. Put your new FRC forum user name and your real name in the body of the email. Once received it will be reviewed and, in most cases, approved.